Establishing a culture of service through awareness and engagement in volunteerism.

Serve Virginia


Brand Extension
Web Design
Web Development
Influencer Program
Identity Design
Content Strategy
Website Development
Infographic Design
Social Media

Serve Virginia represents a more intentional partnership between the Virginia Service Commission (VSC), which operates within the Virginia Department of Social Services as the lead agency for volunteerism and service for the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Virginia Service Foundation, an independent 501(C)(3) organization. Serve Virginia’s vision is to build a culture of service in all corners of the Commonwealth that mobilizes our people and resources to meet the needs of our communities.

Following national research of like entities, CURE named and branded Serve Virginia. The branding project also included a new logo, the cardinal, which represents multiple aspects; first and foremost, it is the state bird of Virginia; secondly, it points to the idea of the four cardinal points on a compass, illustrating the direction and guidance Serve Virginia provides, and Serve Virginia’s “cardinal trait,” one’s innate personality or essence is the virtue of service, which is at the heart of the agency’s mission. 

We also created an entirely new agency website with partner toolkits, and resources, and updated AmeriCorps and statewide Volunteer Center information. Serve Virginia’s website and brand were launched at the Virginia Volunteerism Summit in May 2023. We are currently contracted through May 2024 to increase awareness and engagement across the Commonwealth around volunteerism. 


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Copyright © 2024 CURE


418 East Main St
Richmond VA
